I’m catching up!
- The episode is trying to start by tricking you into thinking that Sayid has babies, just like Jack, but nope!
- I got psyched when Keamy showed up again. He’s such a bad guy.
- Meanwhile, we all still think of Sayid as a good guy even though he perpetually claims “I am so done with torturing” before he goes and tortures/kills again. I know that Dogen thought that Sayid had been “infected” and that was why he was so far on the “bad” end of the scale…but what if he’s been that way all along?
- When Kate jumps out at Sayid from the edge of the jungle, the same way she did with Jack and Hurley last week, I wonder if she’s just going to become a perpetual presence popping out at people for the rest of their time on the island, because that would be funny. But nope, she seems to be back in on the adventures now that she’s found Claire.
- For a second I was worried that Sayid was going to totally kill Kate (I said “Oh NO!” to the TV when she came out of the bushes) because Dogen said that the Nemesis was going to come along looking like someone he knew, but thankfully Sayid for whatever reason did not assume that Kate had died, unbeknownst to him. Which is good, because it means she’s still alive now.
- Considering how all the original Losties (and lots of other characters too) generally like to shoot first and ask questions later, I’m surprised that there haven’t been a lot more of them killed by friendly fire. The only one I can think of who was is Shannon.
- I like when Kate and Miles bond about how tough it is to be Sawyer-groupies. I also like how Miles seems to often play the role of recapper to other confused Losties. “What did I miss?” says Kate, “Go ask Miles,” says Sayid.
- When Nemesis hands the knife back to Sayid, he’s totally cool about things. As I’ve said before, this new incarnation of Locke is way better.
- Okay, as I predicted, Nemesis is totally not stuck in Locke’s body. But I was hoping that this would lead to some sort of big fight between Nemesis/Ilana/Ben, which hasn’t happened yet. But episode 7 (which I haven’t seen yet) appears to be Ben-focused so maybe it’s still coming.
- Claire-in-the-hole is very Silence of the Lambs-y.
- Umm, my favorite moment of the episode is when Ben runs off to get Sayid, has a brief discussion, and then runs away. Poor Ben has gone from being pretty evil to being, like, a comic foil. Which I like.
- Kate looks a little wary when she follows the possibly possessed Claire and Sayid out at the end. Nemesis doesn’t try to explicitly recruit her the way he seems to have done with Sayid, Sawyer, and Claire, which is interesting.
- Do we think that Dogen’s son in the on-island timeline is going to be an older character that we know? We’re assuming everyone on the island is living in 2007, while in the alternate timelines the plane landed at LAX in 2004 – but in actuality (this has been pointed out several times), we don’t know if the year is really 2007 on the island or not. What if it’s, say, 2010? Then Dogen’s son would probably be about 18 (because he was presumably about 12 when he showed up in the alternate timeline in 2004). I’d say Dogen’s son is at least 15 now and it’s possible he’ll become important.
- I don’t really have any new theories from this one, but I’m sticking by the earlier theory that I came up with that in the alternate, plane-crash-free world, the biggest difference is that all the characters seem to have much stronger, but also more complex, ties to people who weren’t on the plane.
- I’m also wondering about Nemesis going around promising everyone what they want when they got off the island – I’m wondering if what is being promised is what is being shown in the alternate timelines. If that is the case, I’m wondering about the fact that everyone who is signing up for Team Nemesis has alternate timelines that are different, but not necessarily superior, than their on-island ones. Locke is still paralyzed, Jack has a son but a bad relationship with him, Kate is still running away, and Sayid is best buddies with Nadia but not married to her. Just a thought…
- So this time Ben sacrificed himself for Alex, rather than the other way around in the original timeline. Curious.
- Similarly, while the original Ben gassed his father to death, new Ben is keeping his father alive with oxygen tanks. Clever.
- Btw, that's really cool that they managed to use the same actor for Ben's really old dad.
- Seeing Locke in the teacher's lounge reminded me again how annoying he is and how much cooler Nemesis is.
- Richard Alpert has gotten totally whacky. Jack seems to be on board with being whacky too.
- Why does Ben run when Ilana is watching him? She hasn't been paying attention the whole time he was talking to Nemesis -- wait until she looks away again!
- Team Jacob has a lot of my favorite minor characters (Miles, Frank, Hurley), but Team Nemesis has lots of my favorite major characters (mainly Kate and Sawyer). Who do I root for??
- Hah, my theory from Episode 6 may have some more support now: Somehow Nemesis might be giving people the other people that they want in these sideways timelines, but in a different way from how they want them. So now Nadia is Sayid's sister-in-law instead of wife, and now Alex is Ben's student instead of daughter. Tricky Nemesis!
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