Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fall Classes

So, everyone has asked me for details on what classes I’m taking this fall and how they’re going.  Without further ado, here’s the schedule:

Copyright and Trademark Litigation

This class meets once a week on Thursday mornings for two hours.  It’s taught by Dale Cendali, who’s best known for being J.K. Rowling’s lawyer and has been involved in a lot of interesting IP cases, including not only Harry Potter ones, but also the Shepard Fairey lawsuit and some of the Barbie-Bratz disputes.  She’s clearly very big into strong IP rights, which is interesting.  The class has only met a couple times so far, but it has been good.

Sex Equality

This class has a complicated schedule.  During September and October, we meet for three hours on Monday and Tuesday mornings, and another hour and 45 minutes on Wednesday mornings, for almost eight class hours a week.  However, after October, we don’t have any more class meetings.  So I’m particularly busy right now because of this, and will have a lot more free time in November.

The professor for this class is Catherine MacKinnon, which also makes this class really interesting and good – I really like her.  So that’s a good class, too.

Communications and Internet Law and Policy

This class meets for an hour and a half on Monday and Tuesday afternoons, and is taught by Yochai Benkler.  So far, we’ve been focusing more on the history of early- and mid-20th century communications issues with respect to radio and television, but we’re getting into more modern things soon.  This will be interesting with respect to the latest net neutrality developments.

Legal Profession

This class meets for an hour and a half on Monday and Tuesday evenings, and is taught by Annette Gordon-Reed.  It’s a required class for graduating, and hasn’t been all that interesting so far, but I think will start to pick up a little bit.  But I’m still more excited about my other three classes than this one.

So, those are my classes – they’re generally pretty interesting with a good mix of teachers.

Rumney Yesterday

So yesterday was a good climbing day – there was nice weather, and I went up to Rumney with a loosely-organized HMC group.  I climbed mostly at the Main Cliff and Orange Crush, and led a bunch of long 5.11s I had never led before.  It’s definitely getting cold, though – next weekend I bet I will be freezing.

Nika on Buried Treasure

Friday, September 25, 2009

Las Vegas and Red Rocks Photos

They’re online!  Here.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Left Las Vegas

So, I’m back from my flyout week trip (no classes for 2Ls or 3Ls at the law school – or, presumably, 3.5Ls like me).  I was climbing at Red Rocks, right outside of Las Vegas, NV, with Nick.

We didn’t do anything super exciting, but we sport climbed a handful of easy 5.11s and a ton of 5.10s.  The weather was unseasonably hot – most days in Las Vegas it got above 100F, but up around Red Rocks it was probably only above 90 in the sun, and really quite pleasant in the shade.  We spent a disproportionate amount of time in the Black Corridor (a.k.a. Gong Show Ground Zero – I don’t know where those people come from) because it was really the only area with consistent shade and lots of sport routes in a good range for us.  Unfortunately, we never made it to the Gallery when it was shaded, so my big project of Yak Crack didn’t happen.  We also did a “trad day,” climbing the first four pitches of Dark Shadows, a 5.8 (Nick did all the hard leading, but I led a 5.6 pitch that Nick thought was tricky when he seconded it – and I felt like I did a really good job with the protection on it, which made me happy).

In Las Vegas, we stayed at the Stratosphere on the weekends and at the Luxor on the weekdays.  We didn’t actually spend that much time at the hotels (although we did manage to acquire free tickets to the Criss Angel show at the Luxor), but we did pop our heads into a bunch of the other casinos to see all their big features at night, which was fun.

Photos will be forthcoming on FB – but not until I catch up on email and manage to get groceries!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


So, this is the start of a whole new blog for me!  My old blog, about my year studying abroad in England, was here, but since I’m now back at Harvard Law School here in the U.S., the old one was less applicable.  Thus, the new one!

I expect that this blog will be about all sorts of stuff that happens to me.  Topics will probably include law, intellectual property, Harvard and HLS, technology, rock climbing, travel, wedding planning, England, feminist issues (per Zeb’s request), and general rants, fussing, and strops.  I already have a little list of things and stories I want to blog about.

So, as I like to say, stay tuned!